L’Associazione Culturale Stefano Bicini, fondata nel 2004, intende ricordare e promuovere l’opera dell’artista attraverso attività culturali, iniziative di scambi internazionali, organizzazione di eventi e mostre.
Costituita da scrittori, critici e storici dell’arte, amici ed estimatori di Stefano Bicini, è aperta a tutti coloro che amano l’arte e la collaborazione tra varie espressioni artistiche.
Nel 2005, per ricordare la sua nascita (16 marzo), gli sono state dedicate, a Perugia, una conferenza presso la Provincia di Perugia e una mostra personale negli spazi dell’Associazione Culturale Trebisonda.
Per l’occasione è stato presentato il libro d’artista “Kite”, portfolio di nove opere grafiche dell’artista, corredate da poesie di Anna Maria Farabbi, edito dallo Studio Calcografico Urbino di Pescara.

Stefano Bicini Cultural Foundation
Frazione Villa Pitignano 2/d, 06077 Perugia

The Stefano Bicini Cultural Foundation, founded in 2004, aims to remember and promote the work of the artist (Perugia, 1957 - Vienna, 2003) through cultural activities, international exchanges and the organisation of events and exhibitions.
Made up by writers, critics, art historians, and friends and fans of Stefano Bicini, the Association is open to everyone who loves art and collaborations between various forms of artistic expression.
In 2005, to commemorate his birth (16 March), a conference dedicated to the artist was held in the hall of the Province of Perugia along with a solo exhibition at the Trebisonda Cultural Association. For the occasion, an artist’s book entitled "Kite" was presented: a portfolio of nine graphic works, accompanied by the poems of Anna Maria Farabbi, published by Studio Calcografico Urbino of Pescara.
The Association has promoted and organized numerous solo exhibitions of Stefano Bicini, including those at the ZeroTre Gallery in Orvieto, 2005; Momart in Rome, 2006; the Hotel Metropolitan in Bologna, 2008; the Mandarini Arredamenti Showroom in Ferriera di Torgiano, 2008-2009; the Libreria Paci bookshop in Città di Castello, 2009; the Ar.Co Cultural Association in Perugia, 2010; Banca Mediolanum in Terni, 2011; the Trebisonda Cultural Association in Perugia, 2005 and 2013. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the artist’s death, the Association sponsored the retrospective exhibition entitled “Stefano Bicini Perugia – New York” at the Rocca Paolina fortress in Perugia (14 - 23 June 2013).
In 2012, the Association published the book “Stefano Bicini 1957 – 2003”, edited by Sandro Bellu, Marinella Caputo, Claudia Sensi, Maria Sensi and Caterina Terzetti.
Scientific collaborations and critical contributions: Marinella Caputo, Bruno Corà, Walter Guadagnini, Enrico Mascelloni, Maria Sensi and Caterina Zappia.
Graphic design: Giovanni Pulcioni.
Publisher: Grafiche Sabbioni, Trestina (Perugia),
Photographs of the works: Sandro Bellu
Illustrations of the works (four-colour): 274 (summary) and 352 (addendum) for a total of 626.
The publication, which aims to provide a systematic catalogue of the artistic works of Stefano Bicini, represents an important record of his work. It is divided into two parts: the summary – with works from 1979 to 2003 – and addendum, featuring drawings and works on paper. The book also contains a comprehensive section devoted to bibliographic and expository evidence.
In collaboration with the Veronesi Foundation of Milan and the Clinic of Infectious Diseases of Perugia, the Association intends to fulfil the artist’s last wishes by auctioning off all of his works and donating the proceeds to Cancer and AIDS research.

Info and Contacts:
Cell phone (+39) 335-7151659